80 Mohd Sultan Road
Singapore 239013
Tel: +65 6735 3476
We loved this place! So much so that after visiting for a beer one afternoon, it was top of our list when thinking about where to go for lunch a couple of days later.
It looks as though it was quiet although it was quite busy in the air-conditioned area inside. I guess only daft tourists like ourselves choose to sit outside in the sun. A big part of the attraction for us was the outside seating and the river view, so if we have the opportunity to go back I would definitely choose to sit outside again.
First off, we decided to order from their list of speciality beers whilst browsing the lunch menu. We like Hoegaarden, so both of us chose to have a glass of that. The waiter informed us that it was Happy Hour and asked whether we might like a large glass, and we readily agreed.

It wasn’t quite what we expected, though, as the “large” glass was huge! Mr ND, however, always the pedant, quickly figured out that the glasses were huge but the quantity of beer in them wasn’t. Despite appearances, their capacity is 500ml, although there’s a bit of extra room at the top so you could end up with just over a pint if the barman’s feeling generous (ours was!). It was a bit of fun anyway.
The menu wasn’t particularly extensive, but often that can be a Good Thing. Better to do a few things well than a million things badly, so we were happy enough with that. We weren’t really in the mood for a full-scale meal so we ordered two starters to share between us – the smoked salmon with a fennel salad, and a prawn cocktail with avocado. Both were delicious! These came accompanied with a basket of really good bread and butter.
Sitting there scoffing this, drinking our Hoegaarden, listening to the Parisian cafe style of music, and enjoying the riverside view, it was like being somewhere in France – just with better weather. Much as we love SE Asia, it’s nice to have a change sometimes.
So what did we think of it overall?
It is indeed a rare sight to see completely empty plates from us. (By the way, the very friendly and efficient waiter was keen to remove the plates when we’d finished the food on them, but when we explained that we wanted a photo he got the idea straight away and was happy to oblige us.)
Overall rating: 4½ out of 5 for a lunch that was really enjoyable in every way.
If you’d like to see the menu, Mr ND got the mobile phone out and took a few snaps of it – click on the thumbnails below to see them more closely.
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